The Washer of Feet

I can picture it now: their Teacher, their Master… the Creator of the Universe – standing, taking off His outer robe, picking up a towel, and tying it around Himself. His preparations for washing his disciples’ feet before their meal. For this time period, these were the actions of a servant; or at least of the newest or youngest member of the group.

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What’s Holding You Back?

One of the most intriguing accounts in the Bible to me, is that of the nation of Israel being rescued from slavery and led through the wilderness by God Himself! Can you imagine?! The miracles, the signs, the wonders, the payback, the daring adventure ahead, and a wonderful new beginning!

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A Message For The Moms: It’s All About Love

There was a day back in February that I was feeling a heaviness on my mind and heart, because I was thinking about my children, as we so often do as mothers… I had noticed some things that made me feel concerned.

Now others would look at my children and likely say, what’s the big deal?? They seem fine! They would look at them and only see their good…. and they are good, for the most part. But the love and concern of a mother looks deeper than surface level…

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God, The Asker of Questions (Genesis ch. 3)

God asks questions….
That was something that stuck out to me as I was reading about the fall of man in Genesis chapter 3. But it’s also seen in many other places throughout the Bible.
In Genesis 4, God asks Cain, “where is your brother?” and “what have you done?”.
In chapter 16, Hagar is asked two profound questions: “where have you come from?” and “where are you going?”…. We could all stop and think about those two questions!

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Conversations With God: Anxiety

Dear God,
Thank you so much for this new day. I know you created this day, just as you did every day before it. As the sun is rising, I can feel you here. Your spirit is hovering over this day, over the morning as it moves from dark to light…. and hovering over me….
I know that you are ready to descend and bring life into what would otherwise be dead and meaningless. I know that you’re waiting for me to allow you to come and bring order into my chaos… the chaos around me as well as inside me.

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Naked and Unashamed (Genesis ch. 2)

In chapter one of Genesis, we see the creation of the world, of plants and animals, and of humans. More detail is given in chapter two about how man was created first and then woman.
Now, there’s a lot to unpack there, of course. So I’m just going to hit on some highlights that stuck out to me as I meditated on these chapters.
At the end of chapter one, God gave mankind dominion over the earth and over every animal, as well as every plant and tree as food. This was the first time that the thought hit me that animals were not originally created to be eaten.

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The Rollercoaster Ride of Motherhood

It’s so true when they say that to have a child is to have your heart walking around outside your body. And there are so many ups and downs from one moment (or more like one second) to the next… All you moms out there know what I mean!
That rollercoaster of emotions has the highest highs, but also the types of lows that will make you question everything!….

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Easter, and Passover, and Lent…. Oh My!!

Raised as a Christian, my family always celebrated Easter; and I’ve carried on that tradition with my children… Church on Easter Sunday, with nice new outfits, and then a big lunch and Easter egg hunts with family….
Over the past couple of years however, I’ve dug deeper into my relationship with God. And I’ve found myself searching to better understand the things I believe and the traditions I practice.

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My First Bible Post: The Power of Words (Genesis ch. 1)

After I reestablished my relationship with God in 2020, I began re-reading the Bible. I had read the Bible all the way through more than once prior to this, and some parts I had read multiple times over. So when I decided to begin again and felt the desire to dig deeper than I ever had before, I went online to search for new reading plan ideas.
I ended up deciding on a chronological plan, which lays out the readings in the order that the events actually occurred in time.

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When I Fell Apart and How God Put Me Back Together

I’ve been a Christian for as long as I can remember. It is SUCH a huge part of who I am. Sure, I’ve had my ups and downs. I’ve made plenty of messes along the way (and still do). But I’ve always come back to my faith as the stabilizing force in my life. I’ve had hard times of course, but those times just caused me to draw closer to God in search of comfort and strength.
There was only one distinct time in my life that I actually turned away from God.

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What Am I Doing Here?!

Sooo… what in the world am I doing here?!
Great question!
I’m asking myself that, as I finally sit down and stare at the keyboard… Why did I think starting a blog was a good idea again?!…. What do I possibly have to say that would be of interest to anyone??
Let’s rewind…. The past couple of years I’ve felt like there’s just so much churning around inside my mind.

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